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Vegan Probiotics That Will Transform Your Gut Health

If you want to improve your gut health, consider taking vegan probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help keep our digestive system functioning properly. They can help with everything from constipation and diarrhea to irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. However, many different types of probiotics are available, and only some are vegan. So to help you stick to your lifestyle choice while also improving your health, this article will look at some vegan probiotics that will transform your gut health!

Vegan Probiotics Vs. Non-Vegan Probiotics


Probiotics are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed. They are in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut or in supplement form. Probiotics are “good” or “friendly” bacteria because they help to maintain a healthy balance of microbes in the gut. In addition, some probiotic strains are associated with specific health benefits, such as improved digestion or immunity.

Vegan probiotics are made without animal products, while non-vegan probiotics may contain ingredients like milk powder or gelatin. Both vegan and non-vegan probiotics are effective, but vegan options may be preferable for those who wish to avoid animal products. When choosing a probiotic supplement, it is crucial to consider the source of the live microorganisms and the intended health benefits. Probiotics are a versatile and widely available supplement that can provide many health benefits.

They can be a valuable part of a vegan diet, which might otherwise lack fermented foods that contain live microbes. Whether you choose a vegan or non-vegan probiotic, select a high-quality product from a trusted manufacturer.

Vegan Probiotics Options

Learning about some specific examples may be helpful if you are still trying to figure out where to start when it comes to vegan probiotics. Here are some ways you can get probiotics without any animal products:



Most people associate probiotics with dairy products, but did you know there are vegan probiotics sources as well? Kombucha, a fermented tea drink, is one such source. Kombucha is made by adding a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) to sweetened tea. The SCOBY feeds on the sugar in the tea and ferments it, creating a slightly tart and effervescent beverage.

This fermentation process also creates beneficial probiotics that can support gut health. While you can make kombucha at home, it is also widely available commercially. So if you’re looking for a vegan-friendly probiotic source, give kombucha a try.

Sourdough Bread


While many probiotic supplements come from animal-derived ingredients, it is possible to get vegan probiotics from sourdough bread. Sourdough bread is made by fermenting dough with a starter culture of yeast and bacteria. This process not only adds flavor to the bread but also creates an environment rich in probiotics.

When eating sourdough bread, look for brands that use only vegan ingredients, as some brands may add milk or honey to the starter culture. With a little label-reading, it is easy to find sourdough bread that is delicious and packed with probiotics.



If you have never had kimchi, it is time to try this traditional Korean dish. Kimchi is made by fermenting cabbage and other vegetables with probiotic cultures, resulting in a tangy and spicy side dish. It can be enjoyed as a condiment or added to rice and noodles for extra flavor and gut-friendly probiotics. Like kombucha and sourdough bread, the probiotics in kimchi are a byproduct of the fermentation process.

Kimchi is readily available at Asian markets or in the refrigerated section of many grocery stores. It can also be made at home, giving you even more control over ingredients and ensuring that it is vegan. So, give kimchi a try next time you’re looking for a probiotic-rich vegan dish.

Pickled Vegetables


Another delicious and nutritious way to get your daily dose of probiotics is pickled vegetables. Many vegetables, such as cucumbers, carrots, and radishes, can be pickled with vinegar or brine solution and probiotic cultures. These fermented veggies make for a tasty addition to sandwiches or salads, and they are also easy to try at home with a basic pickling recipe.

The fermentation process creates a perfect environment for the growth of probiotic bacteria, and pickled vegetables have tons of nutrients that support gut health. When eaten as part of a balanced diet, pickled veggies can be a tasty and vegan-friendly way to get your daily dose of probiotics.



Tempeh is a fermented food that originates from Indonesia. It is made from soybeans fermented with a culture of Rhizopus mold. This gives tempeh its characteristic taste and texture and a high concentration of probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial for gut health. They help maintain the gut microbiota balance and can support digestion, immunity, and overall health.

Because of its high probiotic content, tempeh is an excellent vegan source of these friendly bacteria. In addition to being a delicious and nutritious food, tempeh can be a valuable part of a healthy gut microbiome.



For those who do not know, miso is a paste made from fermented soybeans. It has a salty, umami flavor often used in soups and sauces. In addition to being delicious, miso is also a vegan source of probiotics. The probiotics in miso aid in digestion and help to regulate the immune system. When shopping for miso, be sure to choose varieties that are made only with soybeans and do not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

You should also remember that miso is high in salt, so you should consume it in moderation. Adding a spoonful to a soup or sauce can add flavor and probiotics to your meal, making it a great addition to any vegan diet.



Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage that is popular in many European cuisines. It is typically made by submerging cabbage in brine (water and salt) and allowing it to ferment for several weeks. The fermentation process creates lactic acid, which acts as a natural preservative and gives sauerkraut its characteristic sour flavor. Although some people may associate sauerkraut with non-vegan dishes like hot dogs or Reuben sandwiches, it can also be a stand-alone vegan side dish.

Sauerkraut is packed with probiotics, making it a great addition to any vegan diet. It’s also high in vitamins A and C and has potential health benefits, such as improving digestion and gut health.

Try Some Vegan Probiotics To Transform Your Gut Health!

Veganism does not mean depriving yourself of tasty and nutritious foods. Many delicious vegan probiotic options can support gut health and overall well-being. Next time you want to add probiotics to your vegan diet, try incorporating some of these different foods into your meals. You are sure to see an improvement in your gut health and overall health. Just be aware that some of these options, like miso and sauerkraut, are high in salt and should be enjoyed in moderation.