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Tips for Losing Weight on a Vegan Diet

Did you know that individuals who follow a strict vegan diet (for about four months) are able to shed approximately 4 pounds? This is more than those who rely on animal-sourced meals. This fact is great for those who want to lose weight successfully.

That said, don’t assume that transitioning to a plant-based diet is equal to a successful weight loss plan. If you’re not careful or mindful, you can easily gain weight, even on a vegan diet! So, here are some useful tips that you must follow to ensure weight loss success on a vegan diet.

Eat Greens, Lots of Them

Green vegetables are a staple to a vegan diet, and for good reason – they are super healthy! The good thing is you can find them in a plethora of types, flavors, and textures that make for an amazing addition to any meal.

These foods include broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, zucchini, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and lots more. Not only are these greens healthy, but ideal for weight loss, too. They are extremely low in calories but rich in nutrients and fiber at the same time. The high-fiber content keeps you full for a longer time and helps you stay away from unhealthy snacking.

Avoid Processed Soy

Soy-based food products are the go-to items for people following a vegan diet. Even though soy products aren’t unhealthy, consuming them in large amounts can cause sudden weight gain. That’s because these food products are full of carbs and fats.

Therefore, having tofu burrito bowl for breakfast, tofu stir-fry for lunch and tofu burgers for dinner can be too much. Instead, consider whole-based food versions of these meals such as black beans burrito bowl, veggie stir-fry, and a mushroom veggie burger.

Be Mindful of Your Portions

Large food servings only provide more carbs, so limit your portions to ensure ideal weight. You should aim for at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day to never fall short of key nutrients in your body.

Also, have limited carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) that fill no more than ¼ of your plate, protein (beans, tofu) the size of the palm of your hand, and have nuts and seeds as a snack only.

Exercise and Drink Lots of Water

Exercise and staying hydrated are fundamental aspects of any successful weight-loss program, regardless of the diet you follow. According to experts, individuals should engage in 2 – 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity (fast walking, riding a bike, etc.) to lose weight.

For maximum results, they should consider High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or vigorous aerobic exercises. Other than these, individuals looking for a successful weight loss should drink 2 liters of water daily. This will help them stay hydrated and full for much longer.


End Note

Remember, loading up on starch (high on fats) or processed food in large portions can lead to weight gain. Set our perfect portions for each meal and include more fruits and vegetables for successful weight loss.