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7 Ayurvedic Herbs For Vegans

Are you a vegan who wants to know some valuable herbs to improve your health? Ayurvedic herbology is the art of healing, wellness, and life-enhancement for millions of people in India. While it has declined in recent times, many ayurvedic practitioners refer back to the ancient scriptures of India when prescribing herbs. Several herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda and discussed in ayurvedic textbooks of medicine that help with wellness and avoid diseases. So if you are looking to add something new to your vegan diet, check out some of these ayurvedic herbs!


Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. The curcumin it contains is so powerful that it’s often a natural treatment for many ailments, ranging from indigestion to arthritis pain. Unfortunately, while turmeric is available in most grocery stores, curcumin is not always readily bioavailable. You need a little black pepper extract or some healthy fats (olive oil or coconut oil) to ensure proper absorption of turmeric’s health benefits.

Ginger Root

Ginger root is another great way to reap the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine without consuming any animal products. It’s widely used in Asian dishes and promotes digestive health and function. When added to your meals regularly, ginger root can also help boost overall immune system function. Ginger root teas are also effective at soothing specific digestive ailments such as nausea, stomach pain, and bloating.


Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula (Giant fennel). This herb is generally used as a digestive aid and to relieve flatulence. However, it can be used to treat intestinal worms and other intestinal problems and is also known to settle an upset stomach. This herb has a pungent smell that goes away when cooked. Asafoetida contains many vitamins and minerals, making it beneficial to overall health, including antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, thiamine, and riboflavin. It also contains calcium, copper, iron, and magnesium, which are essential for good health.


Manjistha is a top herb for vegans because it is one of the best blood cleansers in Ayurveda. It is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, which can help prevent cancer and other diseases caused by inflammation. Manjistha also has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties. It helps to cleanse the liver, lymphatic system, and colon. Manjistha is also known to improve blood circulation and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels by removing excess salts from the body. In addition, Manjistha has been used as an Ayurvedic herb to treat arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia (because of its anti-inflammatory properties). Manjistha also helps with skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. This herb is especially beneficial for people who have a lot of heat in their bodies because it cools down the system. Because it helps remove toxins from the bloodstream, Manjistha has been used to treat skin conditions caused by an accumulation of toxins (like acne).


Brahmi is an herb that promotes mental clarity. This is a great herb to use when you feel like you can’t focus on anything or have too much on your mind. Brahmi is also helpful for those trying to remember things more quickly or who need help with cognitive function. It has been used for thousands of years to boost brain function, and it can be helpful for vegans as well. Brahmi is used in many different ayurvedic formulas. You can find blends for anxiety, stress, memory, and more containing Brahmi. If you’re looking for something specific, there’s probably a blend that meets your needs. Otherwise, you can take Brahmi by itself to reap the benefits of this ancient remedy.

Holy Basil

Holy basil is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with physical and mental stress, improves immune system function, and increases concentration. It is considered a sacred plant in the Hindu religion and has been used for thousands of years as an herbal remedy to improve wellness. Nutritionists and scientists are discovering more about how Holy Basil can benefit vegans. A recent study shows that it can help reverse oxidative damage caused by a high-fat diet and improve individuals’ lipid profiles. Research also indicates that Holy Basil contains compounds that have antioxidant, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-tumor activities. This makes it ideal for vegans who want to stay healthy on their diet!


This article has only highlighted a few specific herbs that vegans can use to maintain their diets, but many more are to be found and tried out. You can also use these herbs in complementary ways to provide different health benefits. Vegans need to research and consult with a doctor to determine if any of these herbs will be safe for their diets. Just remember there is no magic food to get everything you need, so as with any diet, balance is key!