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Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Vegans

Contrary to popular belief, veganism is not just a restrictive diet but a lifestyle that eliminates all animal products from your life. While the definition may be simple, living as a vegan can be difficult. But for many people, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. If you’re curious about veganism or are thinking about making the switch, read on for some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about this way of life.

Did you know that going vegan can help reduce your carbon footprint by up to 50%? This is an essential consideration in climate change is a significant concern. Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector combined! Eating meat is also resource-intensive. Animal products require large amounts of freshwater, land, and other resources to produce. By reducing your meat intake or eliminating it, you’re helping the environment in a significant way!

Some people think that vegan food is bland, flavorless, and just downright unappetizing. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Sure, vegans can eat raw fruits and vegetables all day long. But where’s the fun in that? When executed correctly via cooking and baking, vegan food is just as delicious as non-vegan food. While there are plenty of vegan junk foods out there, it’s possible to make vegan food that is nutritious and delicious. The best part? It doesn’t even take much effort! Simply check the labels on packaged foods before buying them to ensure that they’re vegan-friendly.

One of the main reasons people turn to veganism is because they care about animal rights. Animal cruelty and exploitation are a part of our society, but being vegan means taking a firm stance against these practices. By going vegan, you’re sparing an average of 30 animals per year from a life filled with the horrors that factory farms have to offer. You can save even more lives by ditching other animal products, such as eggs and dairy, which still involve harming animals at their core.

Not only can a vegan diet help you lose weight, but it also increases your metabolic rate! Like we mentioned above, animal products aren’t as nutrient-dense as plants and take more processing from the body before being used as energy. Additionally, meat is higher in calories than plant-based foods due to its composition. If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, dropping animal products from your meals could help give you the boost you need!

Looking for vegan recipes? You’ll often see people recommend complicated and time-consuming recipes that require a lot of expertise in the kitchen. But is this necessary when it comes to eating vegan? Not at all! There is plenty of simple and easy-to-make vegan food out there (think: salads, soups, and sandwiches). If you’re not in the mood to cook or don’t have much cooking experience, try prepping meals ahead of time, so they’re ready to heat up when you get home from work.

Are you curious about vegan substitutes for animal products like milk, butter, cheese, etc.? You can find most of these products at your local grocery store. Soy milk is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk and may be the most popular of all dairy alternatives. Additionally, there are plenty of vegan cheese substitutes that taste just as delicious as real cheese (and some not-so-delicious ones that you should probably avoid)! Just experiment with different ingredients and see what types of foods you can come up with.

Did you know that plant-based foods help prevent heart disease? According to a study conducted by researchers at St. Michael’s Hospital in Canada, those who eat more whole grains than meats have less risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery stenosis or unstable angina pectoris. The American College Of Cardiology backs this research up, citing that “vegetarian diets are associated with lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and prostate and colon cancer”.

If all the farms used to produce meat were converted into farms with plant-based food, it would be possible to feed the entire world. According to research, 9 million people could be fed on the grain and soybeans alone if they weren’t being raised for animal consumption! Also, livestock production is “responsible for 80 percent of all deforestation worldwide,” which negatively impacts flora, fauna, and carbon dioxide levels.

Veganism is a great way to promote animal rights, have a healthy diet, and even lose weight. By living this lifestyle, you’re sparing an average of 30 animals per year from the cruelty that comes along with factory farming. You can also increase your metabolism by going vegan because plants take less processing before being used as energy in the body. Vegans are also likely to have higher success rates when losing weight due to plant-based foods being lower in calories than their meat counterparts.

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